sentry-log 0.20.1

Sentry integration for log and env_logger crates. failed to build sentry-log-0.20.1
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Visit the last successful build: sentry-log-0.34.0

Sentry Rust SDK: sentry-log

Adds support for automatic Breadcrumb and Event capturing from logs.

The log crate is supported in two ways. First, logs can be captured as breadcrumbs for later. Secondly, error logs can be captured as events to Sentry. By default anything above Info is recorded as breadcrumb and anything above Error is captured as error event.


let log_integration = sentry_log::LogIntegration::default();
let _sentry = sentry::init(sentry::ClientOptions::default().add_integration(log_integration));

log::info!("Generates a breadcrumb");

Or optionally with env_logger support:

let mut log_builder = pretty_env_logger::formatted_builder();
let log_integration =
let _sentry = sentry::init(sentry::ClientOptions::default().add_integration(log_integration));

log::error!("Generates an event");


License: Apache-2.0